Tuesday 21 February 2017

Add Piquancy To Your Food With Green, Black And Stuffed Olives

Ask any gourmand in the world about their favorite ingredient in any cuisine and surely, they will not leave olives out of the list. Green, black and stuffed olives are a staple in many types of cuisines including Italian, French, Mediterranean, and Spanish as they make for a delicious and nutritious addition to numerous recipes. You have multiple choices when it comes to choosing olives which can be eaten plain, in salads, used as an appetizer, or stuffed with delicious ingredients. Olives can be used to add zest to any dish - but you must pick the right olive to compliment the main food.

In its natural state, olive is a bitter fruit but some clever enthusiasts soon discovered to bring out the best of it by fermenting it or curing it in lye or brine. Presented on a platter together with other little delicacies they make for a fine party fare. Due to the interesting taste and nutritional value of the olive, this little fruit is growing in popularity among food designers and gourmets.

Any deli shop worth its salt has olives for sale much like Zeea Olives, owned by Argi Dimacopoulos, that offers a sumptuous variety of exotic flavors of the fruit. So get your taste buds wrapped around some big olives, pitted and stuffed with almonds and garlic. Yum!

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